Horizon Transactions Transaction: 22fd3883-6960-4813-aa9b-4bd2322847f1

Transaction details




39 / 50


20:29:33 | 26.08.2024 06m 34s


20:59:33 | 26.08.2024 6m 20d 23h 15m 33s

Hash 1


Hash 2



Системное вознаграждение

Total amount




Transaction cost



4 FR > 100 Block count = 50 Approved > 5


1 / 1




System Reward


This contract pays system rewards to the system user with available system assets

Operation data (1)

Operation ID Sum Author ID Date
43ba0 49d9c 50.00 e846b 11553 20:29:33 | 26.08.2024

Input Data

Validated: 39 Damaged: 11
84bbc 3ac87

02m 20s

7ead7 9ecd1

10 / 10

e6f80 91da6

02m 35s

9a319 60777

10 / 10

eb194 b7ec1

02m 53s

c255b d41e8

10 / 10

6464f 403ab

02m 53s

45ae7 deff7

10 / 10

091f9 2c47e

03m 14s

71691 e5f0d

10 / 10

c8842 ead48

03m 14s

8f755 c1e5b

10 / 10

f5a9b 90084

03m 17s

796c5 36806

10 / 10

1509d 2cf67

03m 23s

5fed7 15540

10 / 10

767f1 27399

03m 24s

a81a2 dd1ce

10 / 10

17ff1 37623

03m 24s

4ecd3 12aed

10 / 10

0afa1 dda80

03m 24s

15999 fca68

10 / 10

bd529 02b55

03m 25s

d9862 c4ee7

10 / 10

05346 c98b9

03m 26s

5460a 374bd

10 / 10

a3001 e53cb

03m 40s

7d71e 78262

10 / 10

f142a 0e293

03m 41s

b49b6 27f60

10 / 10

83449 b9031

03m 41s

d9ad8 e2e7e

10 / 10

62ae3 9040a

03m 43s

6f7e9 41f21

10 / 10

70a72 b39f3

03m 43s

b0dc1 b92fc

10 / 10

e9cee 58e9a

03m 43s

26119 e55e2

10 / 10

e548d f5cd2

03m 44s

6fb5f cbd7a

10 / 10

50c34 e215b

03m 45s

08bee 391ee

10 / 10

b363e 1a4ab

03m 46s

8690f 6943b

10 / 10

10f33 24cc2

03m 46s

33103 511fa

10 / 10

80d5d 83e04

03m 47s

c1489 922a2

10 / 10

ea26d 6023e

03m 48s

1842e 72a8e

10 / 10

ec0b2 0cfa2

03m 49s

4f25e 9a4d4

10 / 10

fa7bb 6da1e

03m 52s

bb8c5 b0c0a

10 / 10

01632 bc7e4

03m 55s

01e7d da8cc

10 / 10

38deb ba039

03m 57s

3a840 ec560

10 / 10

3ecbb dd417

03m 58s

83691 ffcef

10 / 10

c7d28 ee8ab

04m 00s

63220 635f8

10 / 10

f2056 2321d

04m 18s

f7382 56936

10 / 10

5face e4afc

04m 19s

0881e 7c94b

10 / 10

9482c b6860

04m 19s

f2662 adfac

10 / 10

00aa4 04eed

04m 19s

656cc 4c939

10 / 10

73f46 8ff20

04m 21s

b8631 11ac4

10 / 10

ef678 af0c4

04m 24s

1b14f ac868

10 / 10

fc08d 58439

04m 25s

d2ac3 f85e6

10 / 10

92125 31256

04m 28s

5eb1b f0d61

10 / 10

cb20f d9dc0

28m 38s

79530 0b8e8

28m 38s

0bbcb 95e2e

28m 37s

9ac36 269df

28m 37s

62553 064b2

28m 36s

2591f dd9f5

28m 36s

fb0c6 a7e6e

28m 35s

cb154 03b17

28m 35s

84cd3 e3b6c

28m 35s

1163e 3c006

28m 35s

67dab 98956

28m 35s
