Horizon Transactions Transaction: 6d15575c-49f0-4168-bb67-0ab3b2ee6401

Transaction details




44 / 50


12:09:33 | 25.07.2024 06m 11s


12:39:33 | 25.07.2024 7m 12d 10h 07m 06s

Hash 1


Hash 2



System Reward

Total amount




Transaction cost



4 FR > 100 Block count = 50 Approved > 5


1 / 1




Системное вознаграждение


This contract pays system rewards to the system user with available system assets

Operation data (3)

Operation ID Sum Author ID Date
b57f8 b9a9d 50.00 e846b 11553 12:09:33 | 25.07.2024
a5708 3afa7 50.00 e846b 11553 12:09:57 | 25.07.2024
9c68c a3682 50.00 e846b 11553 12:10:15 | 25.07.2024

Input Data

Validated: 44 Damaged: 6
e1f36 e6352

01m 53s

ce00e f294b

10 / 10

4bf41 35e9a

02m 35s

e2e12 ba87b

10 / 10

278b2 a8ef2

02m 36s

a4563 3b0cd

10 / 10

376fc 6f0cc

02m 39s

569c9 da596

10 / 10

dd291 fefed

02m 42s

34b36 c5098

10 / 10

e026e 329f5

02m 42s

aa082 df90b

10 / 10

4173c 8a836

02m 44s

3195b ce1d2

10 / 10

eae2e 9109a

02m 44s

de029 9942d

10 / 10

0845f b9473

02m 45s

91f3f b79d2

10 / 10

aaf4b f6211

02m 45s

40003 7421b

10 / 10

0d79d d4f08

02m 47s

41ce1 057ff

10 / 10

2c70d e45a7

02m 57s

5797e c6916

10 / 10

47f95 62370

02m 57s

4ac91 897d9

10 / 10

92040 1ba35

02m 58s

55810 4a615

10 / 10

84613 fbd12

02m 58s

fb5b5 f8aa4

10 / 10

d02ed ef652

02m 58s

1490f 59705

10 / 10

d53bc 89479

03m 16s

6991c 1ae40

10 / 10

7c82b cf90b

03m 17s

20f4c 720be

10 / 10

71059 8b36b

03m 21s

e0139 83ec8

10 / 10

d5d34 b83f2

03m 23s

2d029 47a92

10 / 10

87f58 25a72

03m 34s

f1038 6bb76

10 / 10

5907e 32421

03m 50s

593c9 8ff06

10 / 10

44d7a 9c98f

03m 50s

6d17b d8398

10 / 10

cb320 51caf

03m 51s

f38fc 16795

10 / 10

feffd b2251

03m 52s

444ce 831df

10 / 10

a69e2 799a9

03m 52s

dae63 defd8

10 / 10

b645c e8460

03m 54s

34933 b2b4b

10 / 10

7385c f4600

03m 54s

4e775 3a988

10 / 10

032e1 24a1a

03m 55s

3e42b f2878

10 / 10

84093 da07e

03m 56s

5e15a 2c17f

10 / 10

b293a 58a87

03m 57s

93752 da628

10 / 10

fbf8b d31b6

04m 25s

bf104 3185b

10 / 10

33dd3 f9085

08m 30s

d5188 5e714

10 / 10

c6aad 9ae2e

09m 10s

abb22 32bb7

10 / 10

d9ed0 d17bf

11m 10s

c8531 78117

10 / 10

238f4 a85d1

12m 08s

37cce 3971e

10 / 10

d899b 2b8dd

12m 46s

64db4 6e465

10 / 10

c97a6 487ad

13m 34s

dce3d 59e66

10 / 10

7bde2 707f7

14m 10s

68512 20957

10 / 10

61dc5 96794

14m 33s

a5a7c 99af8

10 / 10

3042b 74e39

16m 42s

cb9a1 0ab2e

10 / 10

1767f 83afc

23m 37s

3353e 58cd0

10 / 10

44f9d 11d0a

25m 25s

9cf30 1f4a8

10 / 10

99532 3cbd2

26m 01s

aed71 3f888

10 / 10

4a647 39e8c

28m 36s

3025b f6341

28m 35s

5fa0c b4c00

28m 32s

5a86f 00459

28m 36s

ac00c 3d08e

28m 36s

c1ec1 532e3

28m 36s
