Horizon Transactions Transaction: d454b1f1-075d-47f0-9682-d080a31693ab

Transaction details




43 / 50


12:39:51 | 25.07.2024 06m 29s


13:09:52 | 25.07.2024 7m 21d 20h 34m 38s

Hash 1


Hash 2



System Reward

Total amount




Transaction cost



4 FR > 100 Block count = 50 Approved > 5


1 / 1




System Reward


This contract pays system rewards to the system user with available system assets

Operation data (3)

Operation ID Sum Author ID Date
577df 62a92 50.00 e846b 11553 12:39:51 | 25.07.2024
f4849 7ccfe 50.00 e846b 11553 12:39:59 | 25.07.2024
8cfb9 53388 50.00 e846b 11553 12:40:12 | 25.07.2024

Input Data

Validated: 43 Damaged: 7
60911 117bd

02m 28s

576bd fb467

10 / 10

29ea7 93c32

02m 28s

57e08 d1024

10 / 10

c11f4 04b11

02m 34s

2f8ca d3ccc

10 / 10

65cc4 5b1a6

03m 09s

77325 a3e61

10 / 10

29143 259a7

03m 14s

099b4 3ce1f

10 / 10

9a37b d7213

03m 33s

b7c6c bd4af

10 / 10

fd224 b89c6

03m 42s

f29a2 a45b9

10 / 10

76577 c0ddf

03m 43s

7f223 15859

10 / 10

ce015 81b21

03m 44s

08076 d57f0

10 / 10

33238 553d1

03m 44s

b8bbf 81dee

10 / 10

c528f bf5cc

03m 44s

5152a 76eaa

10 / 10

fd912 704d3

03m 44s

e1b86 33f1e

10 / 10

1a0b2 534c4

03m 44s

030b0 abea5

10 / 10

933e4 4f290

03m 45s

c3f02 56cfe

10 / 10

39931 8c837

03m 46s

161b9 e1c79

10 / 10

9120f b450f

03m 46s

c2466 0465e

10 / 10

264df 788ae

03m 46s

a6b9e f9988

10 / 10

1eddf 5cf26

03m 47s

4a2d2 e96f4

10 / 10

36d7e a72bb

03m 47s

b5e48 8b783

10 / 10

792df 0c88d

03m 47s

1432a 15707

10 / 10

217db b76ab

03m 48s

be1aa a7054

10 / 10

93e2e 36163

03m 48s

3ffd2 26f61

10 / 10

1a1b2 c0695

03m 48s

4016d b6ed8

10 / 10

2b353 9a985

03m 48s

ec339 bbb64

10 / 10

84b09 df16f

03m 49s

11a58 daa0c

10 / 10

086a7 6a990

03m 51s

b9be6 f9d4a

10 / 10

aac33 01aa9

03m 52s

a20ef c830e

10 / 10

395fd a1bcf

03m 52s

38600 ddb35

10 / 10

b8bfa 15fee

03m 55s

cd561 b67b4

10 / 10

c4cf5 86164

03m 56s

1edc5 35ab5

10 / 10

c98cf 46152

04m 20s

a8e4b 73528

10 / 10

b07cb 144c1

08m 50s

26029 cc80f

10 / 10

7b26b 8414e

09m 26s

c77da 89e4b

10 / 10

cf96d f483e

12m 34s

11106 64ef4

10 / 10

abf55 c5c6b

14m 07s

4f989 a856b

10 / 10

593bd 587e4

14m 35s

30a7f f5598

10 / 10

209aa 8cd96

16m 20s

0707d 0397d

10 / 10

986c4 249a6

18m 01s

5f2fe 78d13

10 / 10

b4c20 2e05e

19m 48s

33d34 03c29

10 / 10

d9c46 1cd17

22m 45s

91543 b3975

10 / 10

d0b63 713d5

24m 24s

398d2 2be76

10 / 10

17fc2 83ebf

24m 37s

edb8e 917e4

10 / 10

afdaa 0e8a0

27m 10s

09d54 53f5f

10 / 10

72c68 be3db

28m 06s

cbe0a f3666

28m 06s

0c4c6 739b7

28m 04s

4417b 2e906

28m 02s

9ca04 7a1c8

28m 02s

529f0 45595

28m 02s

6f563 f196d

28m 05s
