Horizon Transactions Transaction: e0569225-2a96-4872-8dc8-e397c1f8c096

Transaction details




50 / 50


14:41:02 | 18.01.2025 04m 29s


14:46:41 | 18.01.2025 1m 20d 08h 52m 16s

Hash 1


Hash 2



System Reward

Total amount




Transaction cost



4 FR > 100 Block count = 50 Approved > 5


1 / 1




System Reward


This contract pays system rewards to the system user with available system assets

Operation data (1)

Operation ID Sum Author ID Date
7e634 39067 50.00 e846b 11553 14:41:02 | 18.01.2025

Input Data

Validated: 50 Damaged: 0
84f5e 76c94

01m 16s

0972b 64507

10 / 10

41fe8 6daf7

01m 20s

e7d11 f4d4d

10 / 10

c7ad4 819da

01m 24s

b19fc 1a8a3

10 / 10

f7f29 e9761

01m 26s

60a89 e5228

10 / 10

06042 71470

01m 33s

6d2ef d18a1

10 / 10

b4dbd 831ce

01m 38s

e9539 ad777

10 / 10

7a2de 8529e

01m 39s

bc061 8e7f6

10 / 10

26758 b057f

01m 42s

b75d8 d50a8

10 / 10

ee832 62434

01m 45s

980f2 bed3f

10 / 10

3d3d7 36a8e

01m 47s

bec60 67438

10 / 10

4813e 7c8c3

01m 47s

86d47 763fc

10 / 10

72554 8d5f7

01m 48s

58e67 c82d1

10 / 10

fc10e ad823

01m 49s

404a3 e6cd5

10 / 10

8f3ae 55086

01m 57s

43050 f2942

10 / 10

00755 c6e34

01m 57s

3ee79 a3d39

10 / 10

ef0ab 16efc

02m 00s

7149c acc7c

10 / 10

2d021 4a9f4

02m 03s

83f99 d98d1

10 / 10

c24c9 e1aea

02m 11s

4edcd 912c3

10 / 10

1bfee 19548

02m 13s

a5e06 9264f

10 / 10

33279 c0c41

02m 13s

4db35 83754

10 / 10

3f2a9 5744d

02m 22s

dae19 ac1bb

10 / 10

87051 09113

02m 31s

6ba32 e45ce

10 / 10

a9f3e 8b6d6

02m 42s

ce9b7 b28b1

10 / 10

5986f e7fd9

02m 43s

1327a 156f6

10 / 10

0ab5e a2f6e

02m 53s

76a26 1010c

10 / 10

16b54 10a45

02m 54s

2efa4 b1f53

10 / 10

a9177 d3a48

02m 56s

c0b6b 4d3ea

10 / 10

b95a4 f6f7b

02m 58s

ba4e9 31629

10 / 10

497fa 4cbb3

03m 01s

b30dd e112d

10 / 10

fca3a eaeca

03m 01s

ed986 35e2d

10 / 10

62980 c916a

03m 04s

28352 e7551

10 / 10

759db 35b51

03m 10s

60d3b 5266b

10 / 10

b7782 13c47

03m 21s

3b987 5954e

10 / 10

f8795 b5508

03m 22s

d7829 e077e

10 / 10

dc187 007c8

03m 25s

af47c f10d7

10 / 10

7734f 656ed

03m 32s

a88ba 6037b

10 / 10

0cb94 0ff38

03m 35s

2d813 a17c4

10 / 10

f0260 da55d

03m 38s

4edba aa34f

10 / 10

bb088 0777f

03m 40s

85070 a39ef

10 / 10

7fc1f d9bcb

03m 42s

3b992 96aed

10 / 10

6b893 04b3c

03m 44s

a4ed7 718a2

10 / 10

cfc8d 4faa3

03m 45s

233b9 df9e4

10 / 10

2ca41 89869

03m 45s

698ce 592e5

10 / 10

b6ab4 992aa

03m 46s

8a3e2 eb617

10 / 10

39773 7c589

03m 48s

847d0 b96ee

10 / 10

abb5e c2e20

03m 53s

d5bf9 1327e

10 / 10

71bd1 b2488

03m 57s

5cc78 6551d

10 / 10

c086b e3b6d

04m 02s

a131c 54161

10 / 10

e5131 281d8

04m 03s

01f4e 2e0b2

10 / 10

001a6 e05f7

04m 05s

04489 cddb7

10 / 10
